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Track, Manage, and Maximize Your HSA Contributions.

Track ExpensesAdd ReceiptsSet InvestmentsMonitor ProgressBuilt For Web

Track Expenses

View all expenses in one place. Take your tracking up a notch from a cluttered box of invoices and reciepts to a simple & clean list.

What's a 'Shoebox'?

Shoebox is a reference to the physical item where a person typically would store receipts for medical expenses. Rather than the standard file folder, the shoebox allows for a larger capacity of storage for all this documents for historical archive.
This name is also a nod to the method of 'Shoeboxing'. This is a strategy utilized to maximize compound growth and save for retirement, specifically with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

Why Use This Approach?

By using other funds (paying out of pocket) for today's medical expenses while allowing your HSA funds to grow tax-free through investments, you're maximizing growth by taking advantage of tax-efficient savings.
This method allows you to tap into the HSA’s triple-tax advantage: tax-free contributions, tax-free growth while invested, and tax-free withdrawals for eligible medical expenses.
Shoebox helps empowers you to optimize your HSA management for long-term financial gain and is the only purpose-built app to maximize this process.
We're enabling the all-digital 'Shoebox'.

The Average HSA


The Shoebox HSA

Chart graphic showing illustrated growth of two portfolios
Average Annual Growth of a 'Standard' HSA$
Average Annual Growth of a 'Shoeboxed' HSA$
$Source: CNBC October 2021, average HSA growth of an invested account in 2020 was $3,420 whereas an HSA account with cash-only holdings only grew by $170.

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Designed & Developed
by The Blocks

The Blocks helps individuals build a solid foundation for their financial future. We build well-designed financial apps and provide educational resources to help you along the way.

Shoebox is one of the many tools on the path to achieve this goal. Visit The Blocks to find even more ways you can get started.